Icetools was established in 1986 and has been a part of Pryde Group Germany since 2003. Today as in the past, passionate winter sports enthusiasts develop snow equipment for kindred spirits. The focus is placed on affordable functionality without neglecting the stylish aspects of the equipment. It all began with a few pads, leashes and simple boardbags. Today, the collection comprises functional backpacks, practical travelbags and stylish ski and boardbags, pads, leashes and tuning equipment. Since its launch in 2002, the Protection Line has been particularly successful as it offers affordable, tested safety and a perfect fit. The 2008 range was expanded with the addition of classic protectors with plastic shell reinforcements, such as the Spine Jacket, as well as the EVO Series. These protector vests and belts of the EVO Series with CE-tested EPS shells provide maximum protection combined with a lightweight, perfect fit.
- IceTools Cool Tool-20%Price:€11.86List Price:
€14.83discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€11.86List Price:€14.83Discount:€2.97 (20.00%)In stock